Nonprofit Live Streaming: Broadcast Your Impact Via Facebook Live
Let's talk about Facebook Live.
While this feature – that allows any Facebook Page live-broadcast events, breaking news, interviews and more – is pretty simple to use, many nonprofits are understandably reluctant to dive head first into this style of unscripted content marketing.
However, savvy organizations are utilizing this type of digital tool to further engage their supporters and donors in very powerful and creative ways.
The best part: with this technology, you can now more deeply connect your donors to moments of true impact, in real-time, as they happen.
Enhance Your Current Marketing Strategy with Nonprofit Live Streaming
Facebook Live is available free to anyone that has a Facebook account, giving the platform massive reach over rivals, Meerkat and Periscope. To date, the social media giant has over one billion active daily users. And these users are certainly not wasting time in interacting with the new platform. Facebook announced a few months ago that users were commenting 10 times more on Facebook Live videos than on regular videos.
If you are new to Facebook Live, we think the best way to get started is by rolling it into your organization’s current marketing and communication tactics. There’s no need to create a special program or event just for the sake of exploring this new tool.
Before you forge ahead, ask yourself these questions:
- Where and when does impact happen? What sort of stories matter most across our organization?
- What should we talk about? And what topics matter most to our donors and supporters?
- How can we use Facebook Live to engage people during our events?
Strive to Live-Broadcast Your Best "Moments of Impact"
One tried-and-true way to boost donor acquisition and retention is to show people the true impact of their support. After all, we all know that the more donors feel connected to the impact they seek, the more likely they will continue to give.
The key here is to make sure anything you decide to broadcast via Facebook Live is indeed broadcast-worthy.
A few things to remember:
1. Announce When You Are Going Live
Let’s face it: Facebook Live can be a disappointment if no one shows up. Be sure your core supporters always show up when you go live.
To prepare for an audience, make sure to:
- Post an update on your Facebook page one week prior and one day prior to the event or activity;
- Include the date, time and topic in a Facebook cover;
- Announce your broadcast in your email newsletter;
- Tweet about the event right before you go live; and,
- Boost the post to your organization’s fans after you broadcast.
2. Always Respond to Commenters
One great thing about Facebook Live is that you can see comments as they are posted during your broadcast. This is a unique opportunity for you to have a genuine conversation with your supporters and potential donors.
When engaging with participants, remember to:
- Respond to commenters by name;
- Carefully read their comments;
- Always reply in a timely fashion to their comment; and
- Thank them.
3. Learn from Other Nonprofits
Research how they are using Facebook Live to create a greater awareness about their causes. Attend their broadcasts, read user comments, and eventually, test out what you’ve learned with your own Facebook community.
Consider if using Facebook Live will help you engage supporters, and use these tips to make your first livestream a success.